1.Adam signed on the dotted line with a flourish.
2.The house isn’t mine until I’ve signed on the dotted line.
3.When we arrive at the office each morning we have to sign on the dotted line.
3.我们每天早上到达的时候, 得在签到簿上签到。
1.The dotted lines mean to fold it.
2.Oh, I didn't think that was dotted line yet, jazz hands.
我看这事还没准吧 小哥。
3.Incredulous, he traveled the dotted line again.
4.Dotted line -- millions of dollars started to flow.
5.Let me just draw a little dotted line there.
6.And the dotted line shows where Northern Ireland ends.
7.Fold the paper along the dotted line.
8.Grandma, is it normal to see dotted lines.
奶奶 我现在满眼都是正常吗。
9.Um, it's just right on the dotted line.
10.All that remains is to sign on the dotted line.
11.Using a pair of scissors, cut carefully along the dotted lines.
12." To sign on the dotted line, " then, means to sign the contract.
13." " I haven't signed on the dotted line yet, but it's on ice.
" 我还没有在上签字, 但这是冰上。机翻
14.Barbara says to Sean, " Just sign on the dotted line and be done with it."
芭芭拉对肖恩说, “只要在上签名, 可以了。机翻
15.Sales targets are indicated on the graph by a vertical dotted line.
16.The branching and diverging dotted lines of unequal lengths proceeding from (A), may represent its varying offspring.
从 (A) 开始不等长分支和发散可能代表其不同后代。机翻
17.KATE MCKENNA: I’m sorry, this dotted line represents income from accessories and add ones.
凯特.麦凯纳: 对不起, 这条代表是来自配件和附加产品收入。
18.I signed on the dotted line, gave him the minimum deposit to open the account, and thanked him for his help.
我在上签了名, 给了他开户最低存款额,并感谢他帮助。机翻
19.So this idea here, what this dotted line indicates is that these two nodes are set in the same information set.
20." To sign on the dotted line" means that we sign an official form – we sign a document of some sort.
。 “在上签名” 意味我们签署正式表格——我们签署某种文件。机翻